The Positive in Every Situation

bigstockphoto_lemonade_3393603A member of a LinkedIn group questioned the degree to which the media are guilty of fueling the fire of our economic downtown with incendiary headlines like, “Consumer Confidence Plummets.” My feeling is that the media ARE complicit in fueling that fire and my response to his query talked about the failure of the media to seek balance in their reporting. I have not seen a lot of headlines about companies that are doing well in this economy…companies who are innovating, making good business choices and navigating the turbulent waters. These companies ARE out there and they are the ones that will emerge on the other side in a strengthened position.

I believe in the statement about life being like a camera…whatever you focus on develops. Sure, there is plenty of negative out there. But think of the abundance of innovative responses to these challenging times! These times are NOT going to reward the whiners and worriers. I personally have been engaging in a wide variety of new marketing efforts…trying new things, reaching out to new people, evaluating all of my opportunities and looking to create new ones. As a result I have connected with new people, landed new work and put in place new strategies for growth.

Never forget the importance of your attitude in determining your destiny.

© 2009 Jocelyn Canfield, ABC

About jocelyncanfield
Graphic Designer/Writer/Photographer and owner of Communication Results

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